Work meeting with key institutions
Work meeting within project “Specialized services for children from Roma communities in conflict or contact with the law” was held on June 1 and 2 in the Justina Vilas hotel complex, Ustina village.
The purpose of the work forum was to build partnerships with key institutions that are relevant to the development of the Center for Counseling and Legal Assistance for Children, established under the project in April in Pazardzhik.
The Center’s team consists of 3 people – a coordinator of the service, a lawyer providing legal representation of the clients, and a psychologist. It provides services such as coordinating work in the case of children in contact or conflict with the law, those with risky behavior, victims or witnesses of crimes, participants in legal and administrative procedures, informing and counseling children and families – legal, psychological, social, health and educational, targeted prevention of children at risk, etc.
During the meeting, the project, the results of the study and the analysis of the region’s potential for piloting the service, as well as the study of the ongoing consultation process in the Roma community in the region, were presented.
Representatives of the relevant institutions from Pazardzhik participated, as well as the team of the Center for counseling and legal assistance for children.
Project “Specialized services for children from Roma communities in conflict or contact with the law”, Contract MP No. 93-00-145/12.10.2022, is financed by the Justice Program of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and is implemented in three regions – Pazardjik, Plovdiv and Lom. Partners in its implementation are the “Roma-Lom” Foundation, the “Roma” Regional Development Foundation – Plovdiv and Save a child – Norway.