Start of the research in Plovdiv, Lom and Pazardzhik

Project activities began with drafting a design of the study, which will focus on two problems among Roma children: deviant behavior going into conflict with the law of some children coming from Roma neighborhoods, and irregular school attendance, accidental attendance or even complete dropout from school attendance.

In the three selected cities – Plovdiv, Pazardzhik and Lom, the available information on the subject (statistics, studies, reports) is collected and analyzed. Part of the in-depth structured interviews have already been conducted with teachers, principals and psychologists whose schools children from the Roma neighborhoods attend, as well as with employees of the territorial offices of the Agency for Social Assistance, various representatives of the Roma communities working with students (mediators, assistants, etc.) and informal leaders of the Roma community.

The results of the conducted interviews and collected analytical information will be summarized and analyzed in a report that will be presented to the relevant institutions in the three cities.