Presentation of the project to institutions and media

Today in the Press Club of BTA, Pazardzhik, a team of IGA presented the project “Specialized services for children from Roma communities in conflict or contact with the law”, Contract MP No. 93-00-145/12.10.2022.

The project aims to introduce and develop an effective integrated approach aimed at improving the status and opportunities of children in contact with the law in three Roma communities in Bulgaria – Pazardzhik, Plovdiv and Lom. Specialized services “Center for counseling and legal assistance for children” will be developed and implemented in the three regions. The active participation of the Roma community will be encouraged, as well as the improvement of cooperation with local institutions and stakeholders in order to increase their capacity to work with children in contact with the law.

The event was attended by representatives of institutions, organizations, social services and media.

Project “Specialized services for children from Roma communities in conflict or contact with the law” is financed by the Justice Program of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021; partners in its implementation are the IGA Fund (project beneficiary), the Roma-Lom Foundation”, Regional Development Foundation “Roma”, Plovdiv and Save a Child – Norway.