Institutions from Plovdiv at a work meeting on the project

At the end of last week as part of a project “Specialized services for children from Roma communities in conflict or contact with the law” a workshop was held for institutions from Plovdiv.

They joined the work forum representatives of the Municipal Administration, the Social Assistance Directorate, the Child Protection Department, the Probation Department, the District Prosecutor’s Office, the Regional Prosecutor’s Office, etc.

The purpose of the meeting was to build partnerships in order to support the activities of the Center for Counseling and Legal Aid for Children in Plovdiv.

The project team presented the main objectives, tasks and activities, as well as the results of the study and analysis of the region’s potential for piloting the service.

Project “Specialized services for children from Roma communities in conflict or contact with the law”, Contract MP No. 93-00-145/12.10.2022, is financed by the Justice Program of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and is implemented in three regions – Pazardjik, Plovdiv and Lom. Partners in its implementation are the “Roma-Lom” Foundation, the “Roma” Regional Development Foundation – Plovdiv and Save a child – Norway.